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The Book of Colossians: Christ Alone

While examining this great book of the Bible, we will see that every generation needs to experience both a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ and the cost and joy of being His disciple. This sermon series breaks down those needs, as seen in Paul’s letter to the saints at Colossae – and saints everywhere.

Sermon Series - "The Book of Colossians:  Christ Alone"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 "The Truth of the Gospel" Part 1
Colossians 1:1-8

Week 2 - "The Truth of the Gospel" Part 2

Week 3 "Praying For One Another's Spiritual Growth"
Colossians 1:9-11

Week 4 "As a Follower of Christ, What Makes You Most Thankful"
Colossians 1:12-14

Week 5 "The Centrality of Christ"
Colossians 1:15-19

Week 6 "Ministry is Hard" Part 1
Colossians 1:24-29

Week 7 "Ministry is Hard" Part 2
Colossians 1:24-29

Week 8 "Ministry is Hard" Part 3
Colossians 1:24-29


Our lives are often overbooked; we don’t have time for family, God, or church. This miniseries we will examine through the lens of scripture the importance of relying on God to supply our needs and give us purpose. When we realize this, we will feel the freedom to loosen up our schedule.

Sermon Series - "Overbooked"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 "Releasing Your Worry"
Matthew 6:25-34

May 5, 2024

Week 2 "Trust God With the Details"
Proverbs 3:5-6

You Will Be My Witnesses - Called and Empowered

During this series, we will examine through the lens of scripture, the idea, the call, of being witnesses for Christ. Through understanding the text of Acts 1, we see the call for all believers in Christ Jesus to witness and testify about the good news, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, witness as living life every day, and the importance of the corporate witness of the church to the world. 

Sermon Series - "You Will Be My Witnesses"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 "We have been empowered to be his witnesses"
April 7, 2024

Week 2 - "Renewing Our Witness"
1 John 1: 1-4

April 14, 2024

Week 3 - "Salt and Light"
Matthew 5: 13-16

April 21, 2024

Week 4 - The Gospel is for Everyone"
Luke 15
April 28, 2024


Jonah - The Relentless Love of God

Sermon Series - "Jonah"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 - "A Rebel And The Storm-Making God"
Jonah 1:1-6

February 18, 2024 Evening Service

Week 2 - "God Wants Us Back"
Jonah 1:1-4-16

February 25, 2024 Evening Service

Week 3 - "Jonah's Prayer"
Jonah 2:1-10
March 3, 2024 Evening Service

Week 4 - "God Gives Second Chances"
Jonah Chapter 3
March 10, 2024 Evening Service

Week 5 - "A Divided Heart"
Jonah Chapter 4
March 17, 2024 Evening Service

Mourn Again - Reflect | Return | Remember

Sermon Series - "Mourn Again"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 - "Draw Near to God"
James 4:7-10

Week 2 - "A Changed Heart"
Matthew 18:21-35

February 25, 2024

Week 3- "Seeking Christ, Rather than the World"
Philippians 3:12-16

March 3, 2024

Week 4- "Joy in the Morning"
Psalm 30-1-12

March 10, 2024

Week 5- "The Prayer in the Garden"
Mark 14: 32-42

March 17, 2024

Week 6- "The Triumphal Entry"
Luke 19:28-40
March 24, 2024

The Holiness of God

Sermon Series - "The Holiness of God"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 - "A Call to Holiness"
1 Peter 1:13-25

January 28, 2024

Week 2 - "Why Should We Respond With Hope, Holiness & Honor? 
1 Peter 1:18-21

February 4, 2024

"Being a Careful Listener"

James 1:19-17
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock
January 14, 2024

Sermon Series
"Out With The Old:  Renewing Our Minds"
Sr. Pastor, Aaron Ipock

Week 1- "What Do We Need to Let Go of?"
2 Chronicles 7:14

Week 2 -"Pressing On"

Philippians 3:12-15
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock
January 7, 2024 and January 21, 2024

"The Proper Attitude & Response to Prayer and Fasting"

Matthew 6:5-8, 16-18
Senior Pastor Aaron Ipock

Advent Series
"God With Us"
Sr. Pastor Aaron Ipock

Week 1 - "God With Us Brings Hope" 12-3-23
Week 2 -"God With Us Brings Peace" 12-10-23
Week 3-"God With Us Brings Joy" 12-17-23 
Week 4-"God With Us Brings Love" 12-24-23
Week5-"God With Us Brings Christ" 12-24-23

"Spiritual Characteristics of the Church"

2 Thessalonians 1:1-5
Senior Pastor Aaron Ipock

"What's Our Gratitude Focused On?"

Senior Pastor Aaron Ipock 

Christ the Center Sermon Series

Christ The Center
Sermon Series  1

"Jesus Died for Us"
Colossians 1:15-19
Senior Pastor, Aaron Ipock

Christ the Center
Sermon Series 2

"No other Gospel"
Galatians 1
Senior Pastor, Aaron Ipock


 Christ the Center
Sermon Series 3
"Different for Jesus"

1 Peter 1:3-23
Senior Pastor, Aaron Ipock


Christ the Center
Sermon Series 4
"Christ-Centered Community"

Hebrews 10:19-23
Senior Pastor, Aaron Ipock

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