
Our Mission

Learn More About Our Support for Missions

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations....
Matthew 28:19

Here at First Baptist, we believe that you enter the missions field by simply walking out your front door. Our community, state, country, and world is full of hurting people in need of the Good News of Jesus Christ. With this in mind, we at FBC, try to make a point to reach any and all for Christ's sake. Starting with our own community by doing outreach projects, VBS, and simple community helps. To outreach at the state and national level by giving of our time and resources through the Missouri Baptist Convention and Southern Baptist Conventions. We also reach out on a world level by giving through the SBC and a local outreach called Project Hope, which does evangelical missions and humanitarian relief in Nicaragua and Haiti.

View some of the missions we support below:

SafeHaven Now

SafeHaven Now

SafeHaven Now is a Christian-based non-profit thrift store and food pantry.  They collect donated items from the community, then sell the items for those in need.  They are also financially supported by areas churches, including the First Baptist Church of Rogersville.

Project H.O.P.E

Facilitates short term mission trips to Nicaragua to build homes, conduct medical & dental clinicals and assist with soccer tournaments; all to share God's love and His desire for a relationship with the people in Nicaragua.  For more information contact Roger Lea.  

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

We support this wonderful ministry each year.  A small shoebox packed with simple items can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ, and plant new churches.  What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out is eternal.  For more information contact Shirley Keller.

North American Mission Board

The North American Mission Board exists to work with churches, associations and state conventions in mobilizing Southern Baptists as a missional force to impact North America with the gospel of Jesus Christ through evangelism and church planting.  We support NAMB through funds collected with the Annie Armstrong and Lottie Moon Offerings.


Homebound Communion

For our members who cannot attend regular services, but would like to participate in communion, we have a Homebound Communion Ministry. We can meet you "where you are". For questions or more information contact the church.

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